AP TET Syllabus Latest
AP TET Syllabus 2022: Detailed Syllabus For APTET Paper 1 & 2
Andhra Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (AP TET) will be conducted in the second week of June. Candidates planning to appear for the exam must start their AP TET preparation at the earliest as the exam is highly competitive. To help you with this, we are providing you with the detailed AP TET Syllabus 2022. Information about AP TET exam pattern, sections, and marking scheme are also provided here.
Read this article to know about AP TET Exam Pattern and detailed AP TET 2022 Syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2.
AP TET Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2022
Before getting into the detailed APTET Syllabus 2022, let us look at the AP TET exam pattern.
AP TET has two papers. Paper 1 is for candidates applying for the post of teacher for Class 1 to 5. On the other hand, Paper 2 is for those applying for the post of teacher for Class 6 to 8.
AP TET Exam Pattern For Paper 1
Candidates who want to teach Class 1 to 5 are required to appear for Paper 1. All the sections have equal weightage.
Subject | Number of Questions | Total Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Environment Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Candidates who wish to teach Class 6 to 8 are required to appear for Paper 2.
Subject | Number of Questions | Total Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language I | 30 | 30 |
Language II | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics and Science or Social Studies | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
The time duration for each of Paper I and Paper II is 2 hour 30 minutes.
Let us now look into the detailed AP TET 2022 syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2:
AP TET Syllabus For Paper 1
The section-wise AP TET 2022 syllabus for Paper I is provided below:
AP TET Syllabus For Child Development & Pedagogy (30 Marks)
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- Development, Growth & Maturation- Concept and Nature
- Principles of Development and their Education Implication
- Factors Influencing Development- Biological, Psychological, Sociological, Emotional
- Dimensions of Development and their Inter-relationships- physical & motor, cognitive, emotional, social, moral, language related to infancy, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence
- Understanding Development- Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
- Individual Differences: Infra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of attitudes, aptitude, interest, habits, intelligence and their assessment.
- Development of Personality- concept, factors affecting the development of personality
- Adjustment, behavioural problems, mental health, the defence mechanism
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development- Introspection, observation, interview, case study, experimental, cross-sectional and longitudinal Developmental tasks and hazards
- Concept, Nature of learning- Input- Process- Output
- Factors of Learning- Personal and environmental approaches to learning and their applicability- behaviourism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and observation (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning- cognitive, affective and performance
- Motivation and Sustenance- its role in learning
- Memory & forgetting
- Transfer of learning
- Teaching and its relationship with learning and learner. Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context. Children from diverse contexts- Children With Special Needs(CWSN), inclusive education
- Understanding of Pedagogic Methods- Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, survey, observation and activity-based learning, cooperative and collaborative learning
- Individual and Group Learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organising learning in a classroom like study habits, self-learning and learn to learn skills
- Organising learning in heterogeneous class room groups: Socio-economic background, abilities and interest
- Paradigms of organising learning- teacher-centric, subject centred and learner-centric theory of instruction- Bruner
- Teaching as a planned activity- Elements of planning
- Phases of teaching- Pre-active, interactive and post active
- General and subject-related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitator
- Learning resources- Self, home, school, community, technology
- Classroom management- Role of the student, teacher, the leadership style of the teacher, creation of non-threatening learning environment, managing behaviour problems, guidance and counselling, punishment and its legal implications, rights of a child, time management
- The distinction between Assessment for learning & assessment of learning, school-based assessment, continuous and comprehensive evaluation: perspective and practice
- Understanding teaching and learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to education act, 2009
AP TET Syllabus For Language I (Hindi) – Content & Methodology (30 Marks)
Content: 24 marks
- रचनाकार/ रचनाएँ विषयवस्तु, चरित्र-चित्रण, भाषा शैलीआदि |
- साहित्यिक विधाएँ और उनकी विशेषताएँ
- भाषा तत्त्व और व्याकरण (i) शब्द विचार: उपसर्ग- प्रत्यय (ii) शब्द भेद (iii) लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल (iv) शब्द रूपान्तर (v) शब्द- अर्थ, भिन्न- भिन्न अर्थ, पर्यावाची शब्द और विलोम शब्द (vi) शब्द परिचय- तत्सम, तदभव, देशज और विदेशी (vii) वाक्य संरचना, भेद (viii) वाच्य- समास (ix) मुहावरे- लोक्पतियाँ, कहावतें
Methodology: 6 marks
- भाषा- अर्थ और स्वरुप
- माध्यमिक स्तर पर हिन्दी शिक्षण के उद्देश्य
- भाषा की समस्या- त्रिभाषा- सूत्र
- आदर्श हिन्दी- अध्यापक के गुण
- अच्छे शिक्षण की विशेषताएँ
- भाषा: शिक्षण की सामान्य सिद्धान्त, सूत्र, प्रणालियाँ और विधियाँ
- शिक्षण में भाषा- कौशलों का महत्व
- भाषा कौशलों का विकास सुनना : ध्वनि की उत्पत्ति, ध्वनि- श्रवन और पारस्परिक संबंध बोलना : सब्दोच्चारण, वकयंत्र, शुध्दोचारण का अभ्यास, मौखिक अभिव्यक्ति, पाठशाला में वार्तालाप का अभ्यास पढना : विशेषताएँ, वाचन के प्रकार, वाचन संबंधी दोष और उपचार लिखना : महत्व, नियम, विधियाँ, प्रकार, अक्षरक्रियास
- भाषा- कौशलों का समन्वय
- शिक्षण उद्देष्यों का वर्गीकरण
- न्यूनतम अधिगम- स्तर
- पाठ – योजना (गद्य, पद्य, व्याकरण, रचना, पत्र-लेखन)
- इकाई – योजना
- शिक्षण – उपकरण
- पाठ्यक्रम
- पाठ्यपुस्तक
- पुस्तकालय
- भाषा सहगामी क्रियाएँ
- मुल्याकान की धारणा
- उत्तम परीक्षा की विशेषताएँ
- उपलब्ध परीक्षा
- निरंतर समग्र मुल्यांकन
- उद्देश्य आधारित मुल्यांकन
- उपचारात्मक और निदंतामक शिक्षण
AP TET Syllabus For Language II (English) –Content & Methodology (30 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- Parts of Speech
- Tenses
- Active Voice and Passive Voice
- Preposition and Articles
- Degrees of Comparison
- Clauses
- Verbs – Main Verbs – Auxiliary Verbs – Phrasal Verbs
- Adverbs – Types of adverbs
- Conjunction – Coordinating conjunction – Subordinating conjunction
- Direct and Indirect Speech
- Questions and Question Tags
- Types of Sentences – Simple, Compound and Complex – Synthesis of Sentences
- Phrases – Use of phrases
- Composition – Letter Writing, Precis Writing
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary- Antonyms, Synonyms and Spellings
- Correction of Sentences
Methodology (Marks: 06)
- Aspects of English: (a) English language – history, nature, importance, principles of English as the second language (b) Problems of teaching/ learning English
- Objectives of teaching English
- Development of Language Skills: (a)Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW) (b) Communication Skills- Imparting values through communication
- Approaches, methods, techniques of teaching English: (a) Introduction, definition and types of approaches, methods and techniques of teaching English (b) Remedial teaching
- Teaching-learning materials in English
- Lesson Planning
- Curriculum & Textbooks – Importance and its need
- Evaluation in the English language
AP TET Syllabus For Mathematics (30 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- Number System
- Fractions
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Measurements
- Data Applications
- Algebra
Methodology (Marks: 06)
- Meaning and nature of mathematics
- Correlation with other school subjects and daily life
- Aims, values and instructional objectives of teaching mathematics
- Child-centred and activity-based approaches in teaching mathematics
- Methods of teaching and remedial measures in mathematics
- Instructional material, TLM and resource utilisation in the mathematics
- Curriculum, textbook and instructional planning
- Evaluation, tools of evaluation, continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE)
AP TET Syllabus For Environmental Studies (30 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- My Family
- Work and Play
- Plants and Animals
- Our Food
- Shelter
- Air
- Energy
- Our Body
- Our Body: Health and Cleanliness
- Mapping
- History and Culture of India
- Our Country (India)
- Our State
- Indian Constitution
- Safety and Security
Pedagogy (Marks: 06)
- Concept and scope of Environmental Studies
- Aims and objectives of teaching Environmental Studies
- Relation to Science and Social Studies
- Curriculum and its transactional process- teaching methodology
- Teaching Learning Material (TLM)
- Evaluation procedure: CCE
AP TET Syllabus For Paper 2
The section-wise AP TET 2022 syllabus for Paper II is provided below:
AP TET Syllabus For Child Development & Pedagogy (30 Marks)
- Development, Growth and Maturation- Concept & nature
- Principles of development and their educational implication
- Factors influencing development- Biological, psychological, sociological, emotional
- Dimensions of development and their inter-relationships: Physical & motor, cognitive, emotional, social, moral, language related to infancy, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence
- Understanding development- Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers, Erikson
- Individual differences- Infra & Inter-individual differences in the areas of attitude, aptitude, interest, habits, intelligence and their assessment
- Development of personality- Concept, factors affecting the development of personality, self-concept
- Adjustment, behavioural problems, mental health and defence mechanism
- Methods and approaches of child development- Introspection, observation, interview, case study, experimental, cross-sectional and longitudinal
- Developmental tasks and hazards
- Concept, nature of learning: Input – Process – Outcome
- Factors of learning – personal and environmental
- Approaches to learning and their applicability – Behaviourism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), constructivism(Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt(Kohler, Koffka) and observational(Bandura)
- Dimensions of learning – Cognitive, affective and performance
- Motivation and sustenance- its role in learning
- Memory and forgetting
- Transfer of learning
- Teaching and its relationship with learner and learning
- Learners in Contexts: Situating learner in the socio-political and cultural context
- Children from diverse contexts- Children With Special Needs(CWSN), inclusive education
- Understanding of pedagogic methods — Enquiry based learning, project-based learning, survey, observation and activity-based learning, cooperative and collaborative learning.
- Individual and group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organising learning in the classroom like study habits, self-learning and learning to learn skills.
- Organising learning in heterogeneous classroom groups — Socio-economic background, abilities and interest.
- Paradigms of organising learning- Teacher centric, subject centric and learner-centric.
- Theory of instruction – Bruner
- Teaching as a planned activity — Elements of planning
- Phases of teaching — Pre-active, interactive and post-active
- General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitator
- Learning resources — Self, home, school, community, technology
- Classroom management: Role of a student, teacher, the leadership style of the teacher, creation of non-threatening learning environment, managing behaviour problems, guidance & counselling, punishment and its legal implications, rights of a child, time management
- The distinction between Assessment for learning & assessment of learning, school-based assessment, continuous & comprehensive evaluation: Perspective & practice
- Understanding teaching & learning in the context of NCF, 2005 & Right to education act, 2009
AP TET Syllabus For Language I (Hindi) – Content & Methodology (30 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- अवबोध (Comprehension) (i) अपठित गद्य (ii) अपठित पद्य
- कवि, काव्य- रचनाकार (लेखक) रचनाएँ
- अकर्मक- सकर्मक क्रियाएँ वाक्य- वाक्य भेद, कर्मवाच्य, कृत्वाच्या, भाव वाच्य, वाक्य और प्रयोग, वाक्य क्रम, घटना क्रम
- वर्णमाला, शब्द भेद, वाचन, लिंग, कारक,काल, विराम चिह्न, संधि, समास, विलोम शब्द, सामान अर्थ वाले शब्द,भिन्नार्थ, मुहावरे, कहावतें, लोकोत्तियां
- भारतीय काव्य शास्त्र- काव्य लक्षण, रस, छंद, अलंकर
Methodology (Marks: 06)
भाषा – शिक्षण – विधियाँ
- भाषा का स्वरुप, प्रकृति और कौशलों का विकास
- हिन्दी अध्यापक और शिक्षण – विधियाँ
- पाठ्यक्रम और सहगामी क्रियाएँ
- शिक्षण और योजना
- मुल्यांकन
- आंध्रप्रदेश में हिन्दी शिक्षण में आने वाली समस्याएँ व उनका निराकरण
- ध्वनि, वर्ण, शब्द, वाक्य रचना व शुद्ध- अशुद्ध वर्तनी व वाक्य ज्ञान
AP TET Syllabus For Language II (English) –Content & Methodology (30 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- Parts of Speech
- Tenses
- Active voice & Passive voice
- Prepositions and Articles
- Degrees of comparison
- Clauses
- Verbs — Main verbs — Auxiliary verbs – Presale verbs
- Adverbs — Types of Adverbs
- Conjunction — coordinating conjunction — subordinating conjunction
- Direct and Indirect speech
- Questions and question tags
- Types of sentences — simple, compound and complex — synthesis of sentences
- Phrases — uses of phrases
- Composition — letter writing —precis writing
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary — Antonyms, synonyms and spellings
- Correction of sentences
- Idiomatic expression
- Sequencing of the sentences in the paragraph
Methodology (Marks: 06)
- Aspects of English:- (a) English language — History, nature, importance, principles of English as a second language. (b) Problems of teaching / learning English
- Objectives of teaching English
- Phonetics / transcription
- Development of language skills:- (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW). (b) Communicative skills — imparting values through Communication.
- Approaches, methods, techniques of teaching English:- (a) Introduction, definition & types of approaches, methods & techniques of teaching English (b) Remedial teaching
- Teaching-learning materials in English
- Lesson planning
- Curriculum & textbooks — Importance and its need
- Evaluation in the English language
AP TET Syllabus For Mathematics & Science (60 Marks)
Content (Marks: 24)
- Number System
- Arithmetic
- Algebra
- Sets
- Geometry
- Coordinate Geometry
- Mensuration
- Data Handling (Statistics and Probability)
- Trigonometry
Pedagogy (Marks: 06)
- Definition and nature of mathematics, history of mathematics
- Aims, values, instructional objectives of teaching mathematics
- Methods of teaching mathematics
- Instructional material in mathematics – TLM in mathematics, Use of ICT in teaching mathematics
- Instructional planning
- Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) – formative assessment, summative assessment -processes and procedure
- Designing, administration, analysis of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT)
- Diagnostic and remedial teaching
- The mathematics teacher
- Resource utilisation
- Curriculum and textbook
Content (Marks:24)
- Natural Resources- Air & Water
- Our Universe
- Natural Phenomenon
- Mechanics: kinematics, dynamics
- Magnetism and Electricity
- Matter Around Us
- Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical Calculations
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic classification and chemical bonding
- Metallurgy
- Biology
- Living World
- Plant World
- Animal World
- Microbes
- Our Environment
- Recent trends in biology
Pedagogy (Marks:06)
- Definition, nature, structure and history of science
- Aims, values, instructional objectives of teaching science and academic standards in science
- Methods of teaching science
- Teaching-learning material in the teaching of science – TLM in science – Use of ICT
- Instructional planning
- Science laboratory
- Science teacher – changing roles
- Science curriculum and its transaction, NCF-2005, SCF-2011
- Science textbooks
- Evaluation – CCE – formative assessment, summative assessment – Designing and administration- Analysis of Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT)